
* My name, i.e., Thanh Le-Cong is bolded in publications belows
+ denotes equal contributions

Working Papers

[Arxiv] Semantic-guided Search for Efficient Program Repair with Large Language Models

[Arxiv] Towards Reliable Evaluation of Neural Program Repair with Natural Robustness Testing

[Arxiv] GNNInfer: Property Inference for Graph Neural Network

[Arxiv] Adversarial Patch Generation for Automatic Program Repair

Selected Publications

For a full list of publications, please refer to my Google Scholar profile.

[TSE'24] Leveraging Large Language Model for Automatic Patch Correctness Assessment

[EASE'24] LEGION: Harnessing Pre-trained Language Models for GitHub Topic Recommendations with Distribution-Balance Loss

[TOSEM'24] Refining ChatGPT-Generated Code: Characterizing and Mitigating Code Quality Issues?

[ASE'23] Are We Ready to Embrace Generative AI for Software Q&A?

[TSE'23] MiDas: Multi-Granularity Detector for Vulnerability Fixes

[TSE'23] Invalidator: Automated Patch Correctness Assessment via Semantic and Syntactic Reasoning

[SANER'23] Topic Recommendation for GitHub Repositories: How Far Can Extreme Multi-Label Learning Go

[ICSE'23] Chronos: Time-Aware Zero-Shot Identification of Libraries from Vulnerability Reports

[ICSME'23] FFL: Fine-grained Fault Localization for Student Programs via Syntactic and Semantic Reasoning

[FSE'22] AutoPruner: Transformer-Based Call Graph Pruning

[FSE'22] VulCurator: A Vulnerability-Fixing Commit Detector

[ICSE'22] Toward the Analysis of Graph Neural Networks

[ISSRE'21] Usability and Aesthetics: Better Together for Automated Repair of Web Pages