Research Experiences
Funded by the Melbourne Research Scholarship & Google PhD Fellowship
- Advisor: Dr. Bach Le and Prof. Toby Murray
- Topic: Reliable LLM for Program Repair
- Collaborators: Dr. Brandon Paulsen, Dr. Joey Dodds and Prof. Daniel Kroening
- Topic: Program Analysis and LLM for Code Translation
Funded by the National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems
- Advisor: Prof. David Lo
- Topic: Uncovering Vulnerabilities in Machine Learning Frameworks via Software Composition Analysis and Directed Grammar-Based Fuzzing
- Advisor: Prof. Huynh Quyet Thang
- Topic: Automated Program Repair
Funded by the Griffith University Internal Grant.
- Advisor: Dr. Henry Nguyen
- Topic: Credibility Analysis in Social Media.
Partially funded by the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Pacific and Army Research Laboratory
- Advisor: Prof. Huynh Thi Thanh Binh
- Topic: Multitasking Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimizing Artificial Neural Network and Graph-based Models.